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When was the Hershey milk chocolate bar first sold?

The Hershey Milk Chocolate Bar was first sold in 1900. Hershey chocolate bars had their origin in Milton Hershey 's first successful confectionery business, Lancaster Caramel Company, which was founded in 1886.

Is a Hershey bar a chocolate bar?

A rather simple candy, the normal Hershey Bar is considered the milk chocolate variety, and despite being a rather simple, if not plain, chocolate bar, the Hershey’s Bar is considered a classic and is the flagship candy bar for an entire corporation that surrounds this one chocolate bar and all its varieties.

Who invented Hershey bar?

Hershey Bar was made after many years of its inventor learning about how chocolate was made and taking the time to develop the candy bar. The inventor of Hershey’s chocolate is Milton Snavely Hershey, a businessman and confectionery inventor from Pennsylvania in the United States.

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